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Thanks Jim. I take your point that Hamas has a strange way of expressing its concern for the well being of its own people. A point I perhaps made badly is that unlike the PA, Hamas does not cheat its own Palestinian constituency. Otherwise, I wonder if Hamas is not quite like Netanyahu's team in that the objective is ultimately ethnic dominance . Clyde

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Everyone wants to know how to share your article on FB. The problem is that links to your Substack articles begin with the “subscribe” header. FB is has started removing those as spam for everyone using that type of header.

Does this article have another way to link to it? I hope so. I’ve sent it to my friends via messenger and that worked but we would like to post it to our groups. People need to see this!

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Thanks, Clyde for this excellent summary of Zionist history and of what Palestinians have endured because of it. My only (but not insignificant) objection to your narrative is that I don't think it's fair to characterize Hamas' political leadership and governance of Palestinians as "honest." Perhaps "brutally honest" would be a more accurate characterization of Hamas' tight monitoring and merciless punishment of those who don't conform religiously and culturally, as well as intellectually/politically.

Countless "liberation" movements around the world, many of them celebrated by the Western left, have been led by powerful orators and/or strategists who, far from really "liberating" the people they claimed to serve, regimented and repressed and even killed them. To acknowledge this is NOT to excuse what Israelis have done to Palestinians, as you recount. But, from Idi Amin to Roberto Duterte, not to mention Mao and Stalin, peoples have been "liberated" from Western colonial repression only to be almost enslaved. It bothers me that idealistic young Americans who chant, "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free" and who claim to be joining struggles for freedoms of expression, sexual identity, and reproductive choice" can't find it in themselves to chant, "From Tehran to Tripoli, Muslims Will be Free."

Again, I admire your post, sad though the history is indeed. Jim Sleeper

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