Sometimes you have to keep repeating sensible policy ideas until people take notice. I'm curious where you found the dollar amount of corporate stock buybacks? Also wouldn't part of making these policy changes involve organizing more workers and getting them to support those changes? I guess it doesn't necessarily need to be through unionization, but that is a powerful form of political organizing
Hear, hear. This is absolutely correct. Ending “right to work” laws and disincentivizing stock buybacks are the most important steps that we need to take in order to end monopoly and anticompetitive practices while reducing inequality and delivering a more just society.
Got the stock buyback data from Harvard Business Review
Sometimes you have to keep repeating sensible policy ideas until people take notice. I'm curious where you found the dollar amount of corporate stock buybacks? Also wouldn't part of making these policy changes involve organizing more workers and getting them to support those changes? I guess it doesn't necessarily need to be through unionization, but that is a powerful form of political organizing
Hear, hear. This is absolutely correct. Ending “right to work” laws and disincentivizing stock buybacks are the most important steps that we need to take in order to end monopoly and anticompetitive practices while reducing inequality and delivering a more just society.