So concisely well written and informative. Bravo. I wonder how many predicted this outcome so many years ago, and if those Davos persons benefited financially from these disasters.
Well, there was John Grey's "False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism" which came out in 1998. It was preceded by William Greider's "One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism," in 1997. Bill told me the book was used at the Univ. of Chicago in a course on globalization and it made him proud. He took a real intellectual pounding from Paul Krugman who said he was a mere reporter without economic models, so how could his views have weight? That Greider was an old school economic writer who travelled around the world for the book, talking to a wide variety of sources, labor, management & politicos. I hadn't heard John Grey's name for a long time in the US until a Russian expat living in England and writing a book on Isiah Berlin mentioned him...Vlad Vexler is the blogger on U tube...well hardly a typical blogger; Masters in Philosophy from Oxford, pays close attention to Putin's Russia and Russian history as well as the war in Ukraine.
They all made out like bandits at the expense of a lot of good, but not beautiful people.
It might not be fit for print.
glad you found it interesring . Clyde
So concisely well written and informative. Bravo. I wonder how many predicted this outcome so many years ago, and if those Davos persons benefited financially from these disasters.
Well, there was John Grey's "False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism" which came out in 1998. It was preceded by William Greider's "One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism," in 1997. Bill told me the book was used at the Univ. of Chicago in a course on globalization and it made him proud. He took a real intellectual pounding from Paul Krugman who said he was a mere reporter without economic models, so how could his views have weight? That Greider was an old school economic writer who travelled around the world for the book, talking to a wide variety of sources, labor, management & politicos. I hadn't heard John Grey's name for a long time in the US until a Russian expat living in England and writing a book on Isiah Berlin mentioned him...Vlad Vexler is the blogger on U tube...well hardly a typical blogger; Masters in Philosophy from Oxford, pays close attention to Putin's Russia and Russian history as well as the war in Ukraine.
Epic article. Always enjoy Clyde's views.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel. 😏